Foods That Help Clean the Body
Did you know that some foods are as good as a medicine? They can help your body to get rid of toxins!
The human body is remarkably efficient at flushing out junk. But, this ability is weakened or strengthened by various factors.
For example, environmental toxins, alcohol abuse and over consumption of processed & junk food can easily take a toll on the body. The body, therefore, is no longer able to flush out all toxins. Immune system is no longer powerful and you begin to feel lazy & depressed. You’re vulnerable to various infections too.
However, you can take some easy steps to prevent toxin build-up in the body. Here’re some foods that can help clean the body:
Ø Whole grains
Eating low gluten grains such as brown rice, red rice, oats, and buckwheat can help flush out toxins from the body.
Ø Leafy greens
Greens such as Dandelion, Cabbage, Lettuce, Chicory etc. produce a diuretic effect and keep the water flowing through the kidneys and the bladder, thereby promoting the natural toxin removal process.
Ø Apples
Apple is a good source of pectin that helps remove radioactive residue from the body. Apple’s skin, Pectin bonds with other molecules & helps eliminate them through urine or feces.
Ø Broccoli sprouts
Leave behind the broccoli head. For a detox, you just need the sprouts. They are super high on anti-oxidants that help detoxify the digestive tract by kicking out unwanted enzymes.
Ø Cucumber
Cucumber is an excellent diuretic that facilitates excretion of wastes through the kidneys. Rich in potassium, sodium and phosphorous, it effectively neutralizes blood acidosis.
Ø Oranges
Oranges provide vitamin C - the best detox vitamin. Its enzymes help clean the digestive tract and cleanse the liver.
Ø Beet root
Beet root is rich source of betalains, known to possess anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties.
Ø Green tea
Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins, known to increase the liver function. It helps in washing out unwanted toxins from the body.
Ø Garlic
Garlic boosts the liver enzymes, ultimately supporting the biological detoxification process.
Ø Lemon
It’s the richest source of Vitamin C, which helps a great deal in cleaning up the body.
Ø Water
Cleansing of the body is not possible without first having enough water. To boost the cleansing power of water, drink it with a few drops of lemon. You can also add cucumber if do not like lemons as much.
What foods naturally cleanse the body?
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