Healthy Diet

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Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet
Everyone is free to choose how they feed and thus has great impact on his health. Only no one really knows exactly what healthy eating actually is. And the same two old wives tales are told again and again the same: First, the usual diet is ideal for people or even second, namely that diet had little to do with health.

No health without healthy diet

But the widespread poor health of the people is the exact opposite, namely, first, that the usual diet is obviously not ideal and that secondly full health without a healthy diet is as good as impossible. But what healthy eating actually is now?

1 How to find out what is really healthy diet?

Now, there are known a lot of different types of food and diets, which are known as exceptionally healthy or even to have healing powers. The Blood Type Diet , the GI Diet , the metabolic diet , the diet of Fit for Life , the Ayurvedic diet , the food combining , the food on the 5 elements , the vegan diet and infinitely many more.

By Think

Did you find out what is the existing diets only right now, then you would at least ten more, and this life alone with the study of it to spend. But in the end you still do not know which diet is right and above all healthy.

Basically you need to do two things, to find out what is healthy eating. First, think for a while. And secondly, you should do quite objectively. Remember to take your own culinary preferences, you forget your habits and especially forget everything (or at least most), what you have heard and read about nutrition.

What is a "healthy diet"?

Healthy diet is the optimal diet. A diet that the organism is what he needs. A diet that lets you - when you're sick - is healthy and - if you're healthy - stay healthy. This diet I would like to describe here - and uncompromising.

Compromises you make sure sooner or later one myself. If you are smart, but only to the extent that your body can tolerate in his health also. As long as you do not know what's really healthy diet is because you are continually fobbed off on all sides with compromises or even false claims, then you can not also decide to what extent you follow the rules really healthy diet and how far you away from it want.

If there were this product without the food industry?

The easiest method to decide whether this or that food, and whether this or that part of preparation for a healthy diet, is to consider whether there would be this or that product without the help of the food industry. If no, then it is avoided or prepared so that it is healthy.

Take, for example chips from potatoes. Here the decision is not very hard. Chips are produced industrially. If you're lucky, there are potato slices, but often enough to potato powder, fried pressed with cheap fat in disk form, "embellished" with dyes and was treated with flavor enhancers. Potato chips as they are sold in the supermarket, there would not be without the food industry, which is why they do not belong to a healthy diet.

However, if you organically grown cut potatoes into slices and dry at low temperature itself or bake in oven, then with high-quality vegetable oil (see Healthy fats ) sprinkle with crystal salt seasoning, paprika and herbs and fresh eating, then these potato chips "homegrown" be part of a healthy diet.

It is also particularly helpful when we to decide what is now part of a healthy diet and what is not our closest relatives in the animal kingdom - the chimpanzees - for advice.